Losing the plot. Finding the picture.
Ming-Zhu Hii Ming-Zhu Hii

Losing the plot. Finding the picture.

I've not really talked or written much about my project development process before - because, well to be honest, it's still been very much in... development. 

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1. Find a title for this story.
Ming-Zhu Hii Ming-Zhu Hii

1. Find a title for this story.

Ferreting around for keys into this new work, I'm rediscovering Sophie Calle's "Prenez Soin de Vous" / Take Care of Yourself

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Ming-Zhu Hii Ming-Zhu Hii


The first thing that really jumps to mind when I think about Holy Motors is the accordion entr'acte...

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A woman photographs her neighbours.
Ming-Zhu Hii Ming-Zhu Hii

A woman photographs her neighbours.

It would be an understatement to say I've recently been inspired by the work of Gail Albert Halaban. Echoes of her practice show up in the feature screenplay I've just written, and in this tiny short I'm trying to squeeze out in a similar vein. 

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